About Westminster

Mission & Values


Core tenets

In pursuit of our mission, we value and uphold the following core tenets:

The triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is worthy of the worship of all people in all places of his dominion, and this fact must be the fundamental motive for every human activity.

Scripture, as the very Word of God written, is absolutely authoritative and without error. The Bible-centered curriculum is developed on the basis of our motto, “the whole counsel of God.”

Reformed orthodoxy, as informed by the system of doctrine contained in the Westminster Standards, and secondarily in other Reformed confessions, represents faithfully and accurately what Scripture teaches.

Biblical exegesis and biblical theology (in the tradition of Geerhardus Vos) in harmony with systematic theology and covenantal apologetics (in the tradition of Cornelius Van Til) are among the crucial methods to be used in interpreting and applying the teaching of Scripture and in developing a biblical worldview.

A learned ministry set in the lifestyle of humble and holy affection for Jesus Christ is essential in today’s church and world and must be modeled by the board, administration, faculty, and students.

A fundamental mandate of the church, discipling the nations for the glory of Christ, requires culturally sensitive, theologically competent ministers who have both the ability and the passion to apply the eternal word of Scripture to the changing world in which God has placed us.

Because there is one body and one Spirit, all who would build up the whole body of Christ must make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.


The following distinctives are present across all disciplines:

Study of Scripture in the original languages
Exegetical theology
Systematic theology grounded in biblical theology
Covenantal apologetics
Reformed confessionalism
Christ-centered preaching
Biblical counseling
Spiritual formation for ministry in the church
Redemptive-historical hermeneutics
Presbyterian polity

Open Bible

We uphold God’s inerrant Word and teach the biblical doctrines summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith.


We act out our theology by preaching boldly, pursuing the lost, and embracing the broken with the grace of Christ.


We study the history of redemption by engaging the text of Scripture at its source, in the original Greek and Hebrew.


We defend our faith in the public square with Reformed answers to the philosophical objections against Christianity.

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